Existem mais micróbios no corpo humano – um número estimado em trilhões – do que estrelas na Via Láctea.
A ciência do microbioma está no centro de nossa pesquisa nos últimos anos. Como resultado, desenvolvemos um novo ingrediente ativo chamado Aqua Posae, uma cepa delicada que cresce em nossa água termal. Uma vez introduzidos em nossas fórmulas, os resultados foram além das nossas expectativas: o microbioma foi reequilibrado.
At La Roche-Posay we have always pushed the boundaries of what is possible in skincare.
For nearly the past 10 years we have focused our energy on this new field of research, Microbiome Science.
It has really changed our approach to skincare.
Traditionally skincare was designed to correct the visible signs of skin conditions.
But what we have learned through our studies on the microbiome is that there is this invisible ecosystem of bacteria living on your skin.
And the balance between these different species play a vital function to your health.
We could see a direct correlation:
If your microbiome ecosystem was balanced your skin was healthier.
If unbalanced, problems would appears stronger.
So we thought, what if we could find a way to rebalance this microbiome, to find a better outcome.
Working with our laboratories on Microbiome Science to develop a new type of ingredient.
A delicate strain grown on our thermal water.
A powerful prebiotic. We call it Aqua Posae.
“You see here the original strain, stored at -80c. Grown on thermal water, and it is contently monitored for 24/7. We then condition it so that it can be placed in our product at the right concentration. This process is patented and totally unique.”
Once in our product the results were beyond our expectation:
The microbiome was rebalancing, and staying balanced.
Signs of skin conditions dramatically decreased, and skin stayed healthy.
At La Roche-Posay our mission is to provide life changing dermatology for those with sensitive skin.
We believe our Microbiome Science is the change the industry needs and we are excited to lead it that change.
Existem mais micróbios no corpo humano – um número estimado em trilhões – do que estrelas na Via Láctea.
Se você pesasse todo seu microbioma, ele teria cerca de 1,5kg, quase o mesmo tanto que o cérebro.
Os bebês recebem seu primeiro microbioma no início de seu desenvolvimento, elementos-chave que podem impactar esse desenvolvimento é se o nascimento foi pelo canal ou por cesariana.